Seattle Public 学校


中学 科学

Adopted 6-8 科学 Curriculum

增强科学 2024欧洲杯竞猜K-8年级是否采用  科学 课程. 增强科学 教学模式允许学生访问 他们之前的知识 将过去的学习经验连接到现在 和 强调使用循证推理进行科学解释和工程解决方案,以便沟通建议以解决现实世界的问题. 

每个 单元都是一个引人注目的故事情节,从一个令人困惑的学习者开始, relevant scientific phenomenon or engineering problem. 了解更多关于6-8年级的单元现象和故事情节:


As microbiological researchers, 学生们必须弄清楚为什么粪便移植可以治愈患有致命丙型肝炎的病人.固执的感染. 在这个过程中,他们了解了细胞和生物体之间的相互作用.


WA State 科学 Standards (NGSS) Addressed:

  • LS1-1: Living Things Made of Cells
  • LS2-1: Resources and Populations
  • LS2-2: Ecosystem Relationships

学生 take on the role of medicalresearchers, anddiagnose a patient whose body systems aren’t working. 他们学习细胞呼吸以及身体系统如何协同工作以将分子输送到细胞中.


WA State 科学 Standards (NGSS) Addressed:

  • LS1-3:身体系统
  • LS1-7: Cellular Respiration
  • LS1-1: Living Things Made of Cells
  • LS1-8: Sensory Receptors
  • l1 -2:细胞部件

作为食品工程师实习生,学生们将运用他们在人体代谢方面的知识. as well as engineering and design concepts, 设计一种能量棒的配方,以满足受自然灾害破坏地区人口的需求.


WA State 科学 Standards (NGSS) Addressed:

  • ETS1-1: Criteria and Constraints
  • ETS1-3: Analyzing Results
  • ETS1-2: Evaluating Solutions
  • ETS1-4: Modeling and Iterative Testing
  • LS1-7: Cellular Respiration
  • LS1-5:增长

In their role as thermal scientists, students evaluate competing proposals for heating a school, applying what they learn about matter, 能源, 和温度.


WA State 科学 Standards (NGSS) Addressed:

  • PS3-3: 热能 Transfer
  • PS3-4: Energy and Temperature
  • PS1-1: Atomic Theory/Molecules
  • PS3-5: Motion and Energy Transfer

随着气候学家, 学生必须解释在El Niño年里温度变化的模式, which are impacting agriculture around the Pacific. 他们了解阳光、海洋和大气如何相互作用产生区域气候.


WA State 科学 Standards (NGSS) Addressed:

  • ESS2-6: 气候 Patterns

学生扮演法医气象学家的角色,必须解释为什么人工湖建成后强风暴会增加. 他们了解空气团、水和来自太阳的能量如何产生天气现象


WA State 科学 Standards (NGSS) Addressed:

  • ESS2-4: The Water Cycle
  • ESS2-5:气团
  • ESS3-2: Natural Hazards

作为气候学家,学生们必须解释为什么地球上的冰正在融化. 他们了解大气的变化是如何影响地球系统的能量平衡的, and about humans’ role in these changes.


WA State 科学 Standards (NGSS) Addressed:

  • ESS3-5: Factors for Global Temperature
  • ESS3-3: Designs to Minimize Impact
  • ESS3-1: Distribution of Natural Resources
  • ESS3-4: Human population
  • ESS3-2: Natural Hazards

As civil engineering interns, 学生应用设计和工程概念,因为他们创造了一个改变建筑屋顶的计划. Their goal is to make a city more 能源 efficient, 从而减少燃烧产生的二氧化碳.


WA State 科学 Standards (NGSS) Addressed:

  • ETS1-1: Criteria and Constraints
  • ETS1-3: Analyzing Results
  • ETS1-2: Evaluating Solutions
  • ETS1-4: Modeling and Iterative Testing
  • ESS3-3: Designs to Minimize Impact
  • ESS3-5:Factorsfor Global Temperature

Working as biomedical scientists, 学生调查蜘蛛丝柔韧性惊人变化的原因. 学生 learn why organisms – even parents. offspring, and siblings – vary in their traits.


WA State 科学 Standards (NGSS) Addressed:

  • LS3-1: Gene, Protein, Trait. & 突变
  • LS3-2:性Vs.无性生殖
  • LS1-1:由细胞构成的生物 & 基因工程
  • l1 -2:细胞部件LS1-4:行为 & Structures; Reproduction
  • LS1-5:增长


As planetary geologists, 学生们分析火星表面地球科学过程的数据,以确定火星是否适合居住.


WA State 科学 Standards (NGSS) Addressed:

  • ESS1-3: Scale in the Solar System
  • ESS2-2: Earth’s Processes

学生扮演地质学家的角色,试图解释黄金在海底某些部分的集中. 他们使用化石证据来支持一个涉及板块运动的解释.


WA State 科学 Standards (NGSS) Addressed:

  • ESS2-3: Evidence for 板块运动
  • ESS1-4: Strata and Earth Age
  • ESS2-2: Earth’s Processes
  • ESS3-1: Distribution of Natural Resources

作为地质灾害工程实习生,学生设计海啸预警系统. 他们运用关于板块运动和自然灾害以及工程和设计概念的想法.


WA State 科学 Standards (NGSS) Addressed:

  • ETS1-1: Criteria and Constraints
  • ETS1-3: Analyzing Results
  • ETS1-2: Evaluating Solutions
  • ETS1-4: Modeling and Iterative Testing
  • ESS3-2: Natural Hazards
  • ESS2-2: Earth’s Processes
  • ESS2-3: Evidence for 板块运动
  • ESS3-1: Distribution of Natural Resources
  • ESS1-4: Strata and Earth Age

作为地质学家, 学生们调查了20亿年前的沙粒是如何在一个仅形成于900万年前的岛屿上发现的.They apply ideas about cycling of Earth materials.


WA State 科学 Standards (NGSS) Addressed:

  • ESS2-1: Earth’s Materials
  • ESS2-2: Earth’s Processes Reproduction
  • LS1-5:增长

学生, in their role as student chemists, 调查土星卫星上消失的甲烷湖之谜, 泰坦. 他们必须应用他们所学到的有关相变、物质和能量的知识.


WA State 科学 Standards (NGSS) Addressed:

  • PS1-4:相变
  • PS3-4: Energy and Temperature
  • PS1-1: Atomic Theory/Molecules
  • PS3-5: Motion and Energy Transfer

As chemical engineering interns, 学生为早产儿和低出生体重婴儿设计和测试保温箱, 运用相变和工程设计过程的思想.


WA State 科学 Standards (NGSS) Addressed:

  • ETS1-1: Criteria and Constraints
  • ETS1-3: Analyzing Results
  • ETS1-4:建模和迭代测试
  • PS1-4:相变
  • PS3-3: 热能 Transfer

学生 play the role of forensic chemists, 运用他们所学到的关于物质和化学反应的知识来解开一个县供水中出现的神秘物质的谜团.


WA State 科学 Standards (NGSS) Addressed:

  • PS1-1: Atomic Theory/Molecules
  • PS1-2: 化学反应s
  • PS1-5: Atoms Conserved
  • PS1-3: Synthetic Materials
  • LS1-6:光合作用
  • PS1-6:热能 & 化学过程
  • LS1-7: Cellular Respiration

In their role as biologists, 学生们的工作是揭开冰川海月亮水母数量爆炸的原因. 他们学习生物如何在生态系统中相互作用以获得所需的资源.


WA State 科学 Standards (NGSS) Addressed:

  • LS2-1: Resources and Populations
  • LS2-2: Ecosystem Relationships
  • LS2-4: Changes Affect PopulationsLS2-5: Ecosystem Services
  • LS1-4:行为 & Structures; Reproduction

学生 act as ecologists to investigate a failed biodome. In the process they learn about how matter, 尤其是碳, flows through biotic and abiotic components of an ecosystem.


WA State 科学 Standards (NGSS) Addressed:

  • LS1-6:光合作用
  • LS2-3: Flow of Energy and Cycling of Matter
  • l1 -2:细胞部件
  • LS2-5: Ecosystem Services
  • LS2-4: Changes Affect Populations


In their role as 能源 scientists, 学生们在设计一个为救援人员的电子设备供电的系统时,学习能量传递和转换.


WA State 科学 Standards (NGSS) Addressed:

  • PS3-5: Motion and Energy Transfer
  • PS1-3: Synthetic Materials
  • PS3-1: Kinetic Energy: Mass & 速度
  • PS3-2: Potential Energy and Non­-Touching Forces

作为虚构的宇宙航天局的学生物理学家, 学生们必须分析空间站对接失败的原因. 要做到这一点,他们需要运用所学到的关于力、运动变化和碰撞的知识.


WA State 科学 Standards (NGSS) Addressed:

  • PS2-1: Newton’s 3rd Law (Equal & 相反的力量)
  • PS2-2:力的总和
  • PS3-1: Kinetic Energy: Mass & 速度
  • PS3-5: Motion and Energy Transfer

As mechanical engineering interns, students apply ideas about force and motion, as well as engineering and design concepts, to design supply pods to be dropped in disaster areas.


WA State 科学 Standards (NGSS) Addressed:

  • ETS1-1: Criteria and Constraints
  • ETS1-3: Analyzing Results
  • ETS1-2: Evaluating Solutions
  • ETS1-4: Modeling and Iterative Testing
  • PS2-1: Newton’s 3rd Law (Equal & 相反的力量)
  • PS2-2:力的总和

In their role as student physicists, 学生们必须分析为什么新的磁铁驱动的太空喷气发射器不能像预期的那样工作. 他们运用非接触力和势能的概念.


WA State 科学 Standards (NGSS) Addressed:

  • PS2-5: Force Fields and Non-Touching Forces
  • PS3-2: Potential Energy and Non­-Touching Forces
  • PS2-3: Strength of Magnetic and Electric Forces
  • PS2-4: Gravity Depends on Mass
  • PS3-5: Motion and Energy Transfer

In their role as spectroscopists, 学生学习光波以及它们如何与物质相互作用, 并应用这些知识来调查澳大利亚皮肤癌发病率的上升.


WA State 科学 Standards (NGSS) Addressed:

  • PS4-1: Amplitude and Waves
  • PS4-2: Waves Interact with Materials
  • PS4-3: Digitized Signals and Waves
  • PS4-3: Digital is Best

Working as biomedical scientists, 学生调查蜘蛛丝柔韧性惊人变化的原因. 学生 learn why organisms – even parents. offspring, and siblings – vary in their traits.


WA State 科学 Standards (NGSS) Addressed:

  • LS3-1: Gene, Protein, Trait. & 突变
  • LS3-2:性Vs.无性生殖
  • LS1-1:由细胞构成的生物 & 基因工程
  • l1 -2:细胞部件LS1-4:行为 & Structures; Reproduction
  • LS1-5:增长

In the role of biologists, 学生们调查了俄勒冈州立公园的一群皮肤粗糙的蝾螈是如何变得难以置信的有毒的. 他们学习变异、适应和自然选择的机制.


WA State 科学 Standards (NGSS) Addressed:

  • LS4-4: Genetic Variation in Populations
  • LS4-6:自然选择对种群性状的影响
  • LS3-1: Gene, Protein, Trait, & 突变LS1-4:行为 & Structures: Reproduction
  • LS4-5: Artificial Selection & 基因工程

作为临床工程师, 学生运用他们所学到的自然选择以及工程和设计概念来发展, test and refine treatments for drug-resistant malaria.


WA State 科学 Standards (NGSS) Addressed:

  • ETS1-1: Criteria and ConstraintsETS1-3: Analyzing Results
  • ETS1-2:评估解决方案sets1 -4:建模和迭代测试
  • LS4-4: Genetic Variation in Populations
  • LS3-1: Gene, Protein, Trait, & 突变

In the role of paleontologists, 学生们正在研究最近在埃及出土的一块化石,它可能与鲸鱼或狼有更密切的关系. 他们学习化石记录如何帮助为进化关系提供证据.


WA State 科学 Standards (NGSS) Addressed:

  • LS4-1:化石
  • LS4-2: Comparative Anatomy
  • LS4-3: Embryonic Development
  • ESS1-4: Strata and Earth Age